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Jethro - We Make Real-Time Business Intelligence Work on Hadoop

Jethro Blog

SQL-on-Hadoop, BI-on-Hadoop, Big Data, Interactive Business Intelligence, SQL Query Acceleration and Everything in between.

Comparing Jethro to Impala's Interactive Benchmark

By Jethro on June 08, 2014

Last week, Cloudera published a benchmark on its blog comparing Impala's performance to some of of its alternatives - specifically Impala 1.3.0, Hive 0.13 on Tez, Shark 0.9.2 and Presto 0.6.0. While it faced some criticism on the atypical hardware sizing, modifying the original SQLs and avoiding...

Big data, little companies: These six startups want to disrupt the data world

By Jethro on November 02, 2013

Article about Jethro on VentureBeat

VentureBeat covered Strata + Hadoop World in NY as well as Jethro's participation in it:

Jethro Interviewed at Startup Showcase in Strata

By Jethro on October 31, 2013

Showcasing at Strata/Hadoop World 2013 in NYC

By Jethro on October 22, 2013

Jethro to Showcase at Strata/Hadoop World 2013 in NYC

After two years of an intense development effort, we're finally ready to take the wraps off our innovative SQL on Hadoop product.

Demystifying “Real time” and “Interactive”

By Jethro on August 13, 2013

Don’t forget that fast queries can hide stale data: demystifying “Real time” and “Interactive” for big data.

Discussing the state of SQL on Hadoop, Merv Adrian rightly points out that “interactive queries” doesn't necessarily mean real-time or near-real-time data.

10 Emerging Companies to Watch in Data

By Jethro on June 05, 2013

JethroData: One of 10 Emerging Companies to Watch in Data

JethroData highlighted as one of 10 companies worth watching by database trends and applications; it is the only company on the list to provide analytics on Hadoop.