Jethro Blog
SQL-on-Hadoop, BI-on-Hadoop, Big Data, Interactive Business Intelligence, SQL Query Acceleration and Everything in between.
Webinar: Advancing From Tableau Extracts to Live Connect on Hadoop
Learn how Jethro overcomes Hadoop latency pitfalls to deliver interactive Tableau on Hadoop
In this on-demand webinar hosted by Jethro CEO Eli Singer, you will learn the benefits of “live connect” vs “extracts in Tableau and understand the performance pitfalls involved. Jethro CEO Eli Singer will...
Eli Singer Discusses How to Make Business Intelligence Work on Hadoop
Jethro CEO Eli Singer discusses the transition from traditional EDWs to Hadoop and the resulting latency issues. He discusses why this is problematic for Business Intelligence use cases and the ideal SQL-on-Hadoop architecture to solve this problem. Eli tells how to enable Tableau, Qlik and...
Database Architectures for Business Intelligence Demystified: A Concise Comparison
Database Architectures for Business Intelligence Demystified: A Concise Comparison
The year 2008 was one of drastic change in the world economy and in society. Major financial institutions collapsed, while Internet social networking service providers such as Facebook and Twitter (and...
David Freriks and Remy Rosenbaum Chat About Qlik and Jethro at Strata Hadoop NYC 2016
Qlik Technology Evangelist David Freriks chats with Jethro Head of Marketing Remy Rosenbaum at Strata + Hadoop World NYC 2016.
Boaz Discusses Auto Micro-Cubes at Strata Hadoop NYC 2016
Jethro CTO Boaz Raufman discusses how auto micro-cubes in Jethro 2.0 work in tandem with indexing and caching to deliver a consistently fast BI on Hadoop experience. This interview is from September 28, 2016 at the Strata + Hadoop World NYC 2016 convention.
Strata Hadoop NYC 2016
Strata Hadoop NYC
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